

giving back

running a business is a gift

The ability to share that gift by supporting the communities where we live, work, and do business gets us out of bed every morning (plus coffee, of course).

We donate a portion of our annual sales to two Guatemalan organizations very close to our hearts:

Child Aid

  • Non-profit dedicated to improving literacy in Guatemala
  • Provides children with finances for school registration, supplies, uniforms, and more 
  • Gives teachers the training, support, and resources they need to create vibrant, transformative learning environments

Project Somos

  • Non-profit dedicated to helping at-risk children and their mothers escape the poverty cycle in Guatemala 
  • Orphan prevention program providing support through education on nutrition, hygiene, gardening, and more


We care about making a difference at home, too. We support dozens of community groups and events in Vancouver and across Canada the best way we know how—great tasting coffee.


We have donated coffee to organizations like AIDS Vancouver, Crisis Centre BC, Union Gospel Mission, and HUB Cycling. 


We also introduced a new Frontline Fuel 2020 program to fuel healthcare workers with great coffee throughout the COVID-19 crisis.


Work on the frontline? Email to request coffee for your team.